Thursday, July 24, 2008

Balloon Fun

We saw the free showing of "Happy Feet" for the second time this week, by special request of the troops. Then we picked up some twisty balloons, which kept the kids overly entertained for the rest of the afternoon.

Harrison knows more than I realized about how to make different things with balloons, so I was able to turn the project over to him long enough to clean the kitchen and go online a bit. I got started on this post, then it was time to head to the library... now it's after 9pm and we're watching our tape of tonight's "So You Think You Can Dance" elimination episode.

I'm very upset, because the best two male dancers on the show (this year, that means the best two dancers on the show) are in the bottom two - which does not speak well for the audience members who call in on this show (shame on me and others like me who refuse to call in on a reality TV show, I guess!).

I will take a moment to post some balloon sculpture pics, though I'm too distracted to write much:

Once everybody else knew how to make animals, Harrison decided to build a tower. The girls helped by inflating balloons for him as he constructed.

placing small critters at the base of his tower

King Kong attacks!

other animals of the day gather at the tower base

Harrison inside his tower -
with background distractions removed.

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