Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday into Monday

We had a lovely Sunday. I went to church early to practice with the praise band. When Harrison and Julio arrived, I went to hug Harrison. Looking away from me, he said "you have got to be kidding me!". His fourth grade teacher, who happens to also be a friend of mine from high school, was there with his family. Turns out they are looking for a new church home, so we offered to take them on a tour after the service.

Harrison took over the tour when we got up to the "village" - the upper floor that's dedicated to our youth. He led us through the computer lab, art room, synogogue, drama room and movie theater, like a professional tour guide. He handled himself as if this were something he does every Sunday.

We also received great news during the service: our former choir director, who was the reason I originally came to this church, has officially decided to return to his "post" (he retired last year, to the dismay of all). There was a lot of excitement when his return was announced. He is one of those singular entities who makes music better through his sheer enthusiasm. I may join the chancel choir, now...if I can work it into my schedule!

Beginning on Friday, our church will be hosting volunteers from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for the forseeable future. They'll come in groups of up to 70 and stay for a couple weeks per rotation. We're providing sleeping quarters (bell choir room converted to a dorm), laundry facilities, internet access, TV/cable and the kitchen of our Family Life Center.

If you are interested in contributing to relief efforts through this program, or just would like to know more about them, please check out their website. Here is a link to their efforts on behalf of victims of the midwest floods:

They sent our church about 2000 blue inspiration bracelets with their motto: "Out of chaos, hope". They will be distributed among our congregation, volunteers and the rest will be sent around to other strategic areas, for further distribution. We are all wearing ours (ok, Harrison and I took ours off to take the picture below - but they're back on now)!

The rest of Sunday was dedicated to family time and swimming.

So far today has been a typical laid back, prepare-for-the-week Monday. The floods have wrought havoc with my summer fun schedule, so I've been scrambling for fun activities and field trip locations for my kids. I only have one kid on Mondays right now (that may change as of next week), which makes this a great day to get some planning done and let the kids kick back a little.

Science Station before flood

Science Station & Library Flooded

One of our favorite summer field trips is the National Czech and Slovak Museum. Unfortunately, we didn't make it there before the floods, and it's going to be awhile before they are ready to host us again:

The pictures at the above link show how they are coming along in their flood recovery efforts. It is a very good example of what is going on all over the flood ravaged parts of the midwest. Sobering, but somehow these pictures also inspire hope.

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