Monday, July 28, 2008

Hot Fun in the Summertime

We delivered invitations for the neighborhood Kids' Carnival today! There weren't as many kids helping as we usually have, but we still got all 100 delivered in about 40 minutes, including time out for a water balloon fight at Grammy & Grampa's.

Before we delivered them, the kids attached "hangars" to all of the invitations - they did this by making loops out of different colored pipe cleaners and taping them to one corner of the page. (We've discovered this is the best way to make flyers for fast distribution - they can hang easily on doorknobs, and bend to fit on unusually shaped door handles).

It was one of those steamy hot days today - the kind you don't notice if you spend the entire day at a desk in a climate-controlled building. It was sunny and lovely, and the thermometer read a deceptive 82 degrees. Thermometers don't register the kind of humidity that makes you feel like you are actually swimming through the thick, molten air.

I was proud of how well the kids held up under the heat - this is the first time that all of the kids were eager to get wet from the water balloons. Usually there are a couple girls who throw them and try not to get hit themselves. Today, they were smashing balloons against themselves, and tearing small holes to spray the water on each other like sprinklers.

After we delivered the final flyers, we all headed for the pool, and even I went straight into the water for a swim. The water was so warm it almost wasn't even refreshing, except in the shade. But it sure beat swimming in the air!

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