Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Kids and a Field Trip

We got two new additions to the daycare today. They are awesome kids, but they come an hour earlier than anybody else, which means an hour less sleep for me now! To kickstart their time with us, I decided to have a field trip to the nearest county fair.

Deedee had to work early today, because the preschool she works for was going to the same fair, so I was hoping to meet up with her somehow.

Well, we never did see Deedee, but we did have to duck and dodge about a thousand kids in red tie-dyed t-shirts and their two chaperones (they apparently have a strict policy of keeping at least one adult per 1000 kids). The chaperones' only effort to interact with the kids was to help them cut in line here and there. Luckily, I only had a few kids - all very well behaved, so I was able to shimmy them back into their place in line for the most part (I'm not very tolerant of line cutters). We finally made a game of beating them to an exhibit, or timing it so they were leaving as we were arriving. Luckily the bright red of their shirts made them easy to avoid!

It was breezy, but hot - if it weren't for our "shadebrellas" we would have had to cut it even shorter than the two hours we stayed. We did have fun with the kids exhibits (it was "kids day", which explains the overwhelming attendance by daycare groups), but didn't bother trying to find the animal barns - I couldn't face the odor with that heat (Call me a city girl)!

After a picnic lunch, we were OUTTA THERE and on our way to the library, where the local extension office was holding a workshop to learn about circuits and switches (we made a lightbulb light and an annoying buzzer buzz).

Finally home to cool off and read before we went swimming. When Deedee came to the pool with her kids, I nearly swallowed my tongue. She was wearing...brace yourself...


Well, no wonder I didn't see her at the fair! I was probably dodging her the entire time! Turns out, there is a preschool program that operates out of several different schools. It seems there were actually about three different schools there from that program, which explains the sea of red. (The group being so rude and annoying was from a different school, not Deedee's!)

I made a picasa album of some of our pictures from today, but darned if I can figure out how to incorporate them into this post, so for now, they are under the header, to the right, as a "page element". To see bigger photos and read the captions, I think you can click on the image...?

Gotta get my kid to bed. Sorry for the uninspired post tonight! I am wiped out from having so much fun... and I'm worried I'll have nightmares about being surrounded by unruly children in red tie-dye t-shirts.

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