Thursday, August 14, 2008

My hand is a perch...and other summertime fun

We have made some real progress with Arora - the other night, he actually perched on my finger (heretofore he has only been willing to get that close to Julio). I must have something tasty on my hands, because the next day at the pool (yesterday) I befriended a butterfly, who was accommodating enough to wait for me to properly adjust my camera, and also switched hands so I could try to get a better shot.

In other news, I have assembled a series of photos from recent summertime fun - these are random pictures that don't warrant a separate post on their own, but I think Harrison would enjoy having them recorded on this blog. Here they are:

the girls play with "littlest pet shop" toys
while the boys have a water battle

Harrison didn't make it

Zombie Farmer playing PSP at the
movies (dress-up day at the theater)

swimming acrobats

an exciting sight:
Grampa's Coming Swimming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Harrison dressed up on his custome to the theatre, I bet that must have been scary for the attendants.