Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Golfin' and Fishin'

The weather has been cooler lately, so I thought it would be fun to take the daycare kids frisbee golfing. Unfortunately by the time I got everything done for the morning and got our "picnic lunches", it was high noon when we got to the park. Not to be dissuaded, the troops and I filled our water bottles and set out to conquer the course! We were doing great for the first three "holes", spending only slightly more time retrieving our frisbees from the woods and weeds than we were spending tossing them.

The thing is, I only go frisbee golfing about once every year or two, and I think the heavy rains that caused our flooding earlier this summer washed away many of the landmarks I might have found familiar (it's hard to tell, as I am navigationally impaired on the best of days). At any rate, we ended up losing track of all signs of a frisbee golf course when we got to the top of the hill and reached our third four-pronged fork in the path. So we cut through to a hole we could find (skipped from 4 to 11) and suddenly found ourselves working backwards from 11 until we got to the bottom of the hill. The targets are much closer to the launch pads when you go backwards* (*I'm making up terminology, as I am not an avid frisbee golfer and purchase our golfing discs from the dollar store).

We finally gave up on golfing all together when we realized we'd reached the bottom of the hill - on the opposite side of the hill from where we'd begun our golfing. At that point, we all had to use the restroom, so the quickstepping hike to the other side of the hill was a little more purposeful than our earlier meanderings. We made it to the other side in time, and the kids were really great sports, so overall we had a great time.

Hot and tired when we got home, the kids retired to the basement to watch "Meet the Robinsons" in the playroom, and I tried to catch up on some email and get my legs and feet feeling back to normal.

Meanwhile, at Camp G-Boy, the men-folk decided to do some fishin'. Dad took Harrison to get a rod, reel, lures and fishing license, then they went to a not-too-far-away lake and spent the afternoon taking photos and casting their new lures into the water. They got home about 9pm - I know, because Harrison called and invited Julio and me to come for "parent's night at camp" and he regaled us with tales of their adventures at the lake. I snapped a couple photos of our returning fishermen, but I'll have to wait to get Harrison's shots for photos of their actual adventure.

G-boy loaned Harrison his old camera, so Harrison has joined John's picture a day challenge, too... we have got to get Julio a camera and draw him over to the "dark side" of obsessed photographers. Otherwise we may just drive him over the edge!

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