Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thwarting the Mighty Parakeet Hunter

I was sitting at the table in our family room, doing prep work for the spring play. Zuki was in her usual spot, right underfoot, and Budgie (Arora the parakeet) was singing happily in the bay window.

Suddenly, a large THONK echoed through the room. I looked up just in time to see a flurry of white feathers drop from our window, where Budgie frantically flapped in circles in his cage.

I peered out the window to see a gorgeous raptor (John, can you tell me what kind?) standing in the yard, glaring up at his would-be snack. I snatched Harrison's little camera from the table and went back to take his picture. By the time I figured out how to work it, he had swooped over toward our porch. So I pulled aside the drapes and he graciously posed for a picture before taking another shot at the bay window.

I put the camera down and moved Budgie out of the window, so the (hawk?) mighty hunter wouldn't end up dead in our yard, our window would remain intact, and our parakeet wouldn't have a heart attack.

Ah, the perils of having a pseudo-nature preserve for a back yard. Well, this was way more exciting than bagging the dead raccoon who showed up beside the house last week, or raking up the rabbit parts that appeared in the front lawn (and some on the back porch steps) when the snows melted!

frustrated hunter poses for a picture

no wait - this is my good side

enough of the paparazzo


John said...

Looks like it might be a sharp shinned hawk. Naybe a juvenile Red Tail. Pretty bird though!

John said...

Disregard that last comment. It's a red tailed hawk for sure. Guess I'll look a little closer next time!

Nice shots!