Thursday, March 26, 2009


Eleven years ago my life changed for the better, forever. Arguably the most life-altering event I've experienced since my own birth, the birth of my awesome kid will always be at the top of my list of favorite days.

He's been sick all week, including yesterday. Luckily going to bed at 5:30pm last night was just the ticket, and so far he's been able to enjoy his day today. We took Alex, Dylan and Abbie to have lunch with Julio at the Old Country Buffet near his office, then we stopped at the Build-A-Bear Workshop next to the restaurant and they each created a special friend.

When we got home, Harrison's friend Avery joined us. The kids are playing "Disney Channel Scene It" right now. Avery and Alex are going with us to dinner at Pei's (where they have teppanyaki tables - they cook the food at your table and make a flaming onion volcano) after Dylan and Abbie get picked up tonight (which should be any minute now, so I need to go wrap presents!).

Tomorrow night Harrison is going to Avery's birthday party/sleepover, then on Saturday Harrison is having a swim party followed by an overnight. Quite a busy end to Spring Break - watch all the kids be sick for the first Monday back to school!

sick boy with foot warmer - yesterday

feeling better now!

oh what a surprise (he picked it out)

starter present

waiting for Julio


they announced his b-day
over the PA system


stuffing "Leaper"

yep, that's just right

Father Son & Frog

you're supposed to groom your pet
but when you're an 11 year old,
you do this while saying
"we have ways of making you talk!!!"

naming their frogs

naming the pink monkeys

ready for the ride home
note HD's "transition lenses"
-they're new!

home with our new friends

a quick game of "Disney Channel Scene It"

1 comment:

Sammers said...

Please tell Harrison happy belated birthday from all of us out in California. It looks like he had a great day and will have a lot of fun this weekend.