Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Godfather Effect

Harrison has managed to save quite a bit of money lately. He is a few weeks away from parlaying his $7/week allowance (with a boost from birthday money not spent on video games) into $100. He is trying to figure out a way that an 11-year-old can get a job that pays well enough that he won't need allowance.

He's also come up with a plan for his money. For every $100 he saves, he's going to buy himself a video game. (What are you going to do with the rest of the money? I asked, hoping he didn't mean there are $100 video games to be had) He's going to save the rest so that in the event he comes across something he really wants, he doesn't have to wait to purchase it.

Hmmm....Jason's sense of fiscal responsibility and enterprise, combined with John's Renaissance Man zest for life (and let's not forget Karen's knack for diplomacy and Jenny's gift for organization and keeping track of everything).

I guess it's not in how you raise your child; it's all about picking the right Godparents.

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