Thursday, April 16, 2009

Big Plans

Julio & Harrison were having a chat before bed last night (I was at rehearsal, so this is a third-hand report on the conversation). Apparently Harrison is going to be very busy once school gets out. He already has the first half of summer break all mapped out.

First, he's going to take a couple weeks to just play. Then he's going to take two or three weeks (however long it takes) to work on his science experiment. (What science experiment is that, Julio asked with some trepidation) He's going to work on finding a cure for the common cold.

After those few weeks are over, depending on how the cold cure is coming along, he's going to either get a job or start his own business, and then plant a garden. He'd like to plant some trees, but was sketchy on the details about how he would go about doing that ("do they sell tree seeds in stores?"). If they don't, he was thinking he would find a way to get fertile tree seeds and maybe sell them for his business.

How is it that Julio and I have ended up raising this Renaissance Boy/Johnny Appleseed? Must have been that first few months of his life, having Uncle John take care of him.

I just hope he doesn't get discouraged if he doesn't meet all his goals for this summer, but rather learns the value of research in establishing and pursuing such goals...

1 comment:

Grammy said...

It's good to have a plan!!! :)