Thursday, June 26, 2008

And the beat goes on...

Well, as usual I'm letting stress build rather than making it go away like a grown up!

I've got to get our wedding thank-you's finished and mailed (so instead I'm blogging). We decided not to put away the gifts until the thank you has been written for each one, so our house is an even bigger mess than usual.

We're going to be clearing out a lot of our excess furniture and donating it to a single mother who lost all of her possessions along with her house during the recent flooding in the midwest. However, her house was condemned and she won't be allowed to rebuild, so she currently is homeless and has no place to put anything we would donate to her. She's living in the basement of her employer's house with her young son. So, we're stockpiling donations for her, making it even deeper here (not that we're complaining - we are so grateful that we have more than we need!)

I've made it a goal for this weekend to get Harrison's room as functional as possible (and as finished as possible) so he can take more responsibility for his clothes and toys...wanted to work on it during the week, but that hasn't been possible for one reason and another.

I've also got to get started on pre-production for the fall musical, which I think is going to be Anything Goes (but don't quote me on that!)

I broke a tooth yesterday. I think this is God's way of forcing me to finally find a dentist (after living here several years now - sheesh does time fly!) I'm not sure when I can squeeze a dental appointment in, since I've got a houseful of kids from 7:30am until 5:30pm every weekday...but I'm sure it will all work itself out somehow (not to be too "Scarlett O'Hara" or anything).

Harrison got into a sibling-like spat with one of the girls in our daycare yesterday, so now we get to enforce new disciplinary actions for the next week (which ironically are more of a hardship for parents to enforce than they are for the child to "endure"!). It's really uncharacteristic of him to fight like that, and we'd like to keep it that way, so the punishment is probably extreme for the "crime" committed (but don't tell him that!). We're worried about reigning in the insanity with the upcoming onslaught of hormones...we've gotten kind of spoiled, having a kid who puts himself in time out when he makes a mistake - we are totally unprepared to handle puberty!

Today has been better, so far. This morning the daycare kids helped me deliver invitations for our neighborhood 4th of July party. They hit over 100 houses in less than half an hour - we divided into teams of girls vs. boys, did the first half of the 'hood and met at Grammy & G-boy's for snack. We had to make a side trip to the copy center to make more invitations (I thought we'd be ok with 75, but we actually needed over 100) then we did the last 20 houses as a team - those kids were practically flying from house to house! We ended at our house, where they were rewarded with a water balloon fight in the front yard.

They are reading quietly right now - we're going to the library to learn about "Egypt's Hidden Mysteries" in half an hour, and then hopefully will go swimming if it doesn't rain!

Wow my life seems mundane when I see it in print.

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