Thursday, November 20, 2008

Not Over Yet?

So the California Supreme Court is going to review legal challenges to the recently voter-approved Proposition 8, and are expected to address the proposition itself as well as how it would affect the thousands of legally-performed gay marriages that took place prior to the voter ban.

I just don't get it. At least as concerns the marriages that took place when it was legal, what's to address? It was legal for them to be married when they got married, so they are married. You don't get to retroactively make it illegal! Of course, I'm boggled at the idea of telling two consenting adults, both of whom desire to be married, that their marriage is not legal because it is counter to the paradigms of some (not even all) churches.

I'm embarrassed to be part of this moment in history. Our children and grandchildren are going to look back on these arguments and shake their heads and roll their eyes the way we do when we look back at the bigotry of the 40's and 50's. I hope some serious changes happen soon, mostly in the interest of so many of my friends and family members, but also so we are not limited to pointing to a black president as our only source of pride in our current stage of "enlightenment".

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