Saturday, January 17, 2009


Can you tell I don't have time to type a nice blog post? Snow days mean relaxing at home with the family to many people, but for me it means a house full of stir-crazy kids!

The weather warmed up today, so we took Harrison and his friend, Avery, to Planet X - a very expensive outing, but they had a great time! They climbed the rock wall, did bumper cars twice, played spaceball, mini-golfed, won 400 tickets each on the video games (that they turn in for prizes at the door) and Julio & I joined them for "adults v. kids" laser tag (final score: Adults -675, Kids 5200).

Now I've got to get to work preparing a kids' message for church tomorrow, so in lieu of something entertaining to read, I thought I'd post this mariachi tribute to our President Elect - your toes will tap and you may giggle a bit. I enjoyed the musicality of the group and the singer - most mariachi groups I've heard struggle with their instrumentals a bit and usually have at least one very loud vocalist who goes slightly sharp or flat and sings with the timbre of the drunken mouse from the Speedy Gonzales cartoon. This group is much better.

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