Monday, November 3, 2008


As my brothers and I slowly outgrew the trick-or-treating process, our Halloween tradition became haunting our house for trick-or-treaters. After I left for college, the folks "handed off" our haunting gear to the High School, and they made $1500 charging $1 admission, so it was pretty successful.

When we moved back to the old "haunting grounds", it stood to reason that we should resume haunting. We started about 4 years ago, using Grammy & G-Boys' basement as our staging area, with daycare kids joining HD, Julio, the grands and me in making a "Haunted Daycare". Then when we bought our house, the huge garage opened a lot of possibilities.

Deedee helped me establish the first haunted garage about 3 years back - she scored us some huge cardboard boxes that we still use for walls. Last year we gathered more cardboard, and the daycare kids painted scary pictures on them. This year, with Halloween landing on Friday, Harrison invited some friends for an overnight party. We started out right after school, setting up the garage and having pizza, then Julio took the kids trick-or-treating while Grammy, G-boy and I took care of final touches.

When Julio & the kids got back, we haunted the garage for an hour and a half (we ended up "staying open" late to accommodate all our guests!).

After debriefing and some cold pizza, Grammy & G-boy headed home, and the boys went upstairs to watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" while Julio & I watched "Sixth Sense".

All in all, we had a spooktacular evening (forgive me one pun)!

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