Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas in a (HUGE) Nutshell
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Happy Holidays! At the end of April, when I said our wedding thank-you’s probably wouldn’t be done until they had to go out with our Christmas letters, I was joking at the time! Those of you who know me best probably knew better!
Immediately after the wedding we went on a “familymoon” to Chicago with Julio’s father (“Abuelito”) and my parents (and Harrison, of course!) After a whirlwind tour of every sight we could squeeze into three days (Sears Tower, Shedd Aquarium, Chinatown, Museum of Science & Industry, Museum of Natural History, Adler Planetarium, and the Field Museum), we saw Abuelito off at the airport and raced up to Minnesota to meet my newborn niece, Anna. She was born just before our wedding, so Mom and Dad were “chomping at the bit” to get their first look at her ~ as were we!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Celebrating Dad
My Dad is another year older today, and doesn't it just figure for men that another year older is an accomplishment to celebrate rather than (as for us women) another step further from youth!
My brothers and I agree that of all our friends growing up, we had the coolest Dad. He performed in shows with us - at TCR as well as at the high school. He was one of the few parents who could hang out with me and my friends and not feel like a chaperone (which made him a top-notch chaperone!)
Dad taught me some awesome steps when I had to choreograph partnering dance moves for show choir. For some reason, many people are surprised to find out he's a great dancer. I remember jaws dropping when he joined the younger members of the Big River cast during the clogging section of the finale. More recently, when we were having an impromptu salsa lesson in the living room, Julio was so amazed at Dad's grace, he blurted out "Why Grampa, you're a feather!"
As the boys and I were growing up, Dad never missed a performance or game, whether we were soloists/superstars or just in the chorus/warming the bench. Dad was always there cheering us on and making sure we had every opportunity he could provide.
When I was in college and called home upset about one or another of my young-adult heartbreaks, I knew I could count on Dad to say "put your feet in first position", dredging up memories of an old Hallmark ad - and making me laugh and cry simultaneously. Then he would quickly say "let me hand you over to your mother", unless the problem was something that actually could be fixed, in which case he would always have a solution.
Naturally, his superior parenting skills have carried over into his role as "G-Boy". Dad and Harrison are "best buds", and have already built a lifetime worth of golden memories together. G-boy is always good for a living room wrestling match, or a Playstation Showdown. In the summertime, all the neighborhood kids shout "Yay! Grampa's coming swimming" the minute they see him making his way down the hill to the neighborhood pool. Dad & Harrison went to Bear Scouts Camp, butterfly tagging, and they've recently taken up fishing (in summertime, that is). They've worked on countless projects, from sewing handpuppets to building pinewood derby cars, from gardening to whittling.
I could go on about my awesome Dad forever, but I've got to get Brownies out of the oven and wrap his gifts so we can go celebrate with him in person. So for now, I'll end with this:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! You're the best Dad any kid could ever ask for, and the best G-Boy, too!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Equal Rights - not just a skin tone issue
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's BEGINNING to look a lot like...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Put One Foot in Front of the Other
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oh Yeah - About Thanksgiving

Mike Wilhelm (Captain VonTrapp), Amy Friedl Stoner (Maria), Heather Harris Akers (Frau Schroeder) & Kids from TCR's Sound of Music
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Not Noah
(PS - Thanks, John, for getting the ball rolling again for us - can't wait to hear about the new pack member destined to join your family soon!)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Break Day 3: All About DOGS
Julio had the day off today! He and Harrison began the day by sleeping in, then we met Deedee and her kids for an early lunch at BK, let the kids play in their play area for an hour, then went to the 1pm showing of Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Break Day 2: Build-A-Bear
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Break Day 1: Planet X
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Not Over Yet?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happily Married
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bye Bye Birdie is HISTORY

Monday, November 10, 2008
Prayers for Ben
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saluting McCain
Which is why I was saddened to watch this great patriot give his concession speech for an office I spent decades praying he would occupy. Only a man of John McCain's caliber could win so much support in the shadow of our current administration. Only John McCain could make this such a close race.
It was a melancholy moment when I cast my vote for Obama. Finally I had my chance to vote for McCain, but could not do so in good conscience. In voting for Obama, I voted for the man and not the party. But in deciding against McCain, I was voting away from a party/administration which I feel has treated our country and our planet with increasing contempt over the past 8 years.
I believe our country is blessed to have reached this moment in history, and to have had two such outstanding Americans for our candidates. And I believe John McCain will continue to make contributions to our country which will rival and exceed those of most who were successful in their bid for President.
As a McCain Republican who supported Obama, I can neither fully celebrate or mourn the election results of 2008. But I can fully celebrate the promise for our future that comes from having both of these fine men working on our behalf.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Deedee helped me establish the first haunted garage about 3 years back - she scored us some huge cardboard boxes that we still use for walls. Last year we gathered more cardboard, and the daycare kids painted scary pictures on them. This year, with Halloween landing on Friday, Harrison invited some friends for an overnight party. We started out right after school, setting up the garage and having pizza, then Julio took the kids trick-or-treating while Grammy, G-boy and I took care of final touches.
All in all, we had a spooktacular evening (forgive me one pun)!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I Voted
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why Women Should Vote
Monday, October 27, 2008
Champion Costume Designer
Everything I needed to know I learned from a 5th grader
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm Baaaaaack - sort of!
Also, thanks to my generous father, who loaned me his laptop for a week longer than either of us expected, I was able to keep up with my emails and communications to the school.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Life Keeps Poundin' a Rhythm to the Brain...
Harrison had a sleepover at his friend Avery's house on Friday - I don't think they slept at all, because according to Julio, Harrison fell asleep while putting on his soccer uniform. When I got home from the poodle skirt "ordeal", Harrison was half-napping/half watching TV wrapped in towels after having showered. We barely got cleaned up and dressed in time to make it to Grace and Chuck's wedding.
The wedding was lovely - Grace's four sisters were her bridesmaids, and Chuck had good friends stand with him. The tiny little ring bearer was carried down the aisle - I didn't realize they made tuxes so small!
Kate and Patricia each did a reading and one of Grace's sisters sang a beautiful anthem during the lighting of the unity candle. They had a vase of white lilies in memory of Tom. The reception was held at the Art Museum - I was astounded at how they transformed the library area into a gorgeous reception hall.
It was very elegant, with everything from a candy bar to an ice sculpture which fascinated Harrison ("It was so cool, I just had to touch it!" he confessed on the way home).
We survived church on Sunday morning (I had to give the children's sermon, and Julio handled computers for Sunday School) and decided to eat out since we were too tired to fix our own lunch. Then we stopped by Lindale Mall to a special dinosaur exhibit they have, which was provided to the Science Station to help raise funds to rebuild. Bill Demarais (a friend of Dad's - they taught at the same school for over 30 years each) was giving a free presentation about dinosaur tracks & fossils - it was very entertaining and educational. Since today is a half-day of school, I'll be taking the daycare kids there this afternoon. If I have a chance, I'll write on that later...
Ok, well, that's our update for now. My PC is at the computer doctor's to get backed up and repaired after coming down with its very own virus, so I borrowed Dad's laptop - but he's home now and I'll be returning it to him this afternoon, so I don't know what kind of computer access I'll have for the next little bit... sigh. Well, I'd rather lose a computer than any more loved ones!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Something's going around, I guess
Harrison has ITBS testing this week (along with soccer practice & games), rehearsals for Bye Bye Birdie continue unabated (and are much more pleasant, since I finally had enough and removed one of our less mature cast members from the show), and Julio was able to resolve a problem in one of the systems at work which had him working several hours of overtime every day (just in time to come home and fix MY computer trouble!)
This coming weekend is packed. Saturday morning, I have to go to Clarence for a "poodle skirt workshop" - Aunt Chris is graciously volunteering her time to come and teach our kids how to make their own skirts for the show. Hopefully we'll get done in time for me to grab some lunch before heading over to Lowden for the Eagle Scout ceremony of one of my students (hey - anybody out there know if you're supposed to bring a card and/or gift to an Eagle Scout ceremony?) While I'm there, Julio will be taking Harrison to a soccer game, and we'll meet up with Grammy and G-Boy that evening, for the Wedding of Chuck & Grace, followed by a reception at the Art Museum. Sometime in there I'll need to come up with a children's sermon for church on Sunday. I think after church (where I'm also singing, and Julio is running computers for Sunday School), we will have a DAY OF REST.
It sure is nice to be this busy with all positive things (that is, except for these darn computer problems!).