We are such activists. Julio, Harrison and I attended our very first demonstration last night. The hate-oriented cult that goes by the name of Westboro Baptist Church had made threats to picket opening night of "The Laramie Project", being performed at TCR Lindale. "The Laramie Project" is a play that was written to explore the dynamics of the repercussions of the brutal 1998 slaying of Matthew Shepard, a young man who was killed because he was gay.
Fred Phelps, the founder and self-proclaimed "reverend" of WBC, and a small band of followers picketed Matthew's funeral, shouting hate slogans and bearing signs that said things like "God Hates Fags". They make a point to harrass any organization that shows support for or tolerance of homosexuals, Jews, and pretty much anything or anybody not part of his church.
In anticipation of their possible picketing, several groups organized counter-protests. The TCR group was asked to dress in as much white as possible and form a "Wall of Angels" in silence. While the wall of angels were the majority, in our silence we were easily "upstaged" by the loud high school and college students who brought signs and leapt up and down screaming at cars to honk.
No matter. The WBC group never showed up, and we had a fun time seeing fellow theater people and church friends. It was a hugely diverse group - from young children to senior citizens, all races and creeds, gathered to protest hate, and it was a great deal of fun. It was also incredibly moving to be part of that kind of fellowship.
Over 300 people stood along 1st Avenue
Recognize my "daughter" - Marian Paroo?
Savannah and her mom, Hillerie
Karen from Church, Jen & Lindsay from TCR

Julio with Kate, Trish and a friend
victims of Steph's hurried snapshot taking
The crowd extended from here clear down to
the road leading into our neighborhood
TCR buddy Alisabeth poses with Julio
The center part of the group
Waiting for G-Boy to bring HD over
Posted behind one of the larger TCR groupings

Harrison Arrives!
One of the counter-protest organizers
"Stragglers" overflowed to the other side of a drive way
TCR buddy AC is interviewed
Julio looking at the newspaper photographer
taking pictures from atop a snowbank